Wednesday, January 9

Sweet Potato Pot Pie

Dinner tonight was inspired by the abundance of sweet potatoes in our refrigerator. Thank goodness for 101 Cookbooks! Check out the many enticing recipes and downright pornographic food photography.

I made this recipe with two small modifications:
1) I used peas instead of corn, since that's what we had (corn would have been good, and slightly more in keeping with the spirit of the recipe, but the peas were fine).
2) We didn't have oven-proof bowls suitable for pot pie-ing, so I made it as a casserole.

This was prepped, assembled, and cooked in a reasonable amount of time, and it was awfully tasty. Very nice comfort food, and chock full of vitamin A!

It's evil how good puff pastry is.

1 comment:

Aaron said...

YUM! I can't believe how delicious that looks!